Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A woman's place in society and work

If you look at the sociological changes of society in just the last century, you will notice that life for a woman has changed drastically.  Women have started to become equals to man in the work place, education and at home.  Women gained the right to vote with the 19th amendment that was passed in 1920.  Women are now major income suppliers in the average American home, yet in some places, that many people don't know about, women are still being victimized based on their gender.

People don't want to believe that sexism still exists, that there are men out there that still believe the only place for a woman is in the home, serving him and his children.  People don't want to hear the stories of women being underpaid in the same job as a man with equal education and experience.   No one wants to hear about a women who constantly sexually harassed by her boss because no one wants to believe this kind of thing really exists.  Is this why we keep cases such as these so hush hush, why the general American public doesn't know that this still goes on in their own city, their neighborhood, their country.  

By no means am I saying that this exists in excessive, and by no means am I saying that it exists everywhere.  I am saying it does exist and has effected lives of friends, family and myself.  I decided to write a blog about it because people should be aware of it, that we shouldn't be kept in the dark.   I want women to know that they should be allowed to stand up for themselves and what they believe in.  We shouldn't just take the crap and pretend like it never happened.  If we lay low and ignore the problem, how can we ever solve it?  Women deserve equal rights, just like any race or man.  

I have been in two jobs in my lifetime, where as a woman I was treated completely different than everyone else.  I was paid less than my equal male co-workers, yet I worked harder and did twice as much work as my counter parts.  The first time this happened to me, I was in a position of management.  I would never get promoted to a full office manager though, because I truly believe it was because I was the wrong sex.  The entire company did not have any females in higher management positions.  Later I found out the few that carried the same role as me, the men, they made a lot more.  There was nothing I could do about it, it was a smaller company and HR and everything was run by the same people.  I left quietly and never returned when I found a new job.  A few years later I came into another role.  I needed the experience, so I took what they offered.  I stuck with that company for almost 3 years, yet never got a raise to put me in the same category as others with my experience were making.  I asked repeatedly if they could match me with others, but my requests were always denied.   I moved on to find a job where they would match me to my skill level and pay me what I was worth.  Again this former employer was a small company where HR was the same person who did everything for the company, so there was not much I could do.  I got out of the situation and moved onto something better.

I had someone tell me once they didn't believe this was happening to me, that I was making it up.  Why would I make up something as serious as this?  Just to have something to talk about...no I don't think so.  I only bring it up to help other educated women who have been victim of this to know that we need to be heard.  We need to stick together and let others know we need to find a way to report this kind of behavior.  We should not be judged for who we are, but our skills and what we can do.    I will continue to research this subject until I know there are answers and I will share them with all of you.  Just remember we are equal, no matter what anyone tells you and we can make a difference in this society.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Going organic

So what excactly are the benefits of going organic, I can't say for sure on all things, but I know since I've slowly been converting that my body feels better in general and I find that I do not get sick as often or have allergies as often.  Organic farming according to wiki means:

Organic farming is the form of agriculture that relies on crop rotation, green manure, compost, biological pest control, organically approved pesticide application and mechanical cultivation to maintain soil productivity and control pests. Organic farming excludes or strictly limits the use of synthetic fertilizers and synthetic pesticides, plant growth regulators, livestock antibiotics, food additives, and genetically modified organisms.

So organic is going more natural in how we grow and store our food.  I have recently learned by switching some things to organic, that in general it tastes better also.  An organic tomato tastes so much sweeter/juicier than a regular grocery store tomato.  Call me crazy but I guess I'm learning the little things as I go about why I'm enjoying the switch.

So you ask...why go organic.  Well there are a lot of reasons to go organic, but of course each person has their own personal preference or reason.  For me it's part of my get healthy routine that I am working on slowly.  I have begun my transformation to organic by slowly introducing more organic fruits and veggies into my diet.  I already use organic hair products (shampoo, conditioner, etc) and body washes/face cleansers.  Awhile back the switch of my hair products and cleansers was made for allergy reasons.  But since that switch I notice my hair is shiny and managable, not greasy like it used to be and my skin is starting to clear up.  Food wise, my digestive system seems to be functioning better and I feel full for longer (increase in fruits and veggies in diet).

Some the benefits of going organic include:
1.  Ease of mind knowing that your food does not contain chemicals, hormones, or antibiotics.  All these things are harmful to the body and prolonged periods of exposure have been linked to things such as obesity, cancer, slower mental function and organ failures.
2.  Knowing you are helping support cleaning up our environment.  Organic farmers do not use pesticides or other harmful chemicals that contaminate the land and water.  These farmers also do not use genetically altered organisms, meaning plants have not been altered from their original state.
3.  Less crulity to annimals.  Mass produce farms cram animals in small areas, and pump them full of antibiotics and steroids to make them grow faster to produce faster.  Without this the animals are allowed to grow at a normal rate and on an organic diet, thus making the meat more natural and healthier to eat.
4.  No artificial additives allow the food to taste better and have a better quality
5.  You help support local farmers and famers markets.

These are just some of the benefits of going organic, of course reasearch reveals more.  If you are interested in learning more here are some websites to help you in your search:

Also check out the following to actually purchase organic foods:

Friday, June 18, 2010

Vampire craze

So it appears we are amongst a vampire craze over the last couple years.  All these new books and tv series and movies and incorporating into them the famous vampire.  Vampires have existed in literature and cinemea for decades, but it's almost like over night they appear on shelves everywhere.  What brought on this new addiction and what do we love most about vampires?
We know our traditional vampire, the strong sexy, hide in the shadows vampire.  We all are familiar with vampire Lestat.   Anne Rice made the traditional vampire famous in books like "Interview with the Vampire".  Your traditional vampire cannot be near holy water, sunlight or garlic.  Of course the traditional stake to the heart is an instant kill also.  Yet even though these night creatures keep in the dark feeding and scaring, they draw us in and we beg for more with an instant bite.
Now we have your new vampires...these ones where garlic doesn't bother them so much, they can walk in daylight, holy water doesn't make sense to them.  Is this our new evolved vampire?  Is this the vampire of the 21st century and did we allow the vampire to evolve among us?  Are we ok knowing that a vampire can now lurk and follow us in the daylight where we thought we were safe...only problem is, these new evolved species of the damned must require a special ring to walk among us in the light (reference from Vampire Diaries series) or they prefer gloomy dark cities in Oregon or Washington State because when sunlight hits their skin they twinkle like a thousand diamonds (reference from Twilight series.) 
For me the new vampire doesn't inflict the terror of the traditional vampire.  This new evolved species lives among as if they were human and have found different ways to feed.   So for me they don't have the same allure or sexy appeal of the original vampire.  Don't get me wrong, the new vampire is fun and totally appealing to the new younger crowd and I am reading and watching and following the new vampire myself.  I just can't help but thnk back to the vampire I grew up with and loved.  How can we forget the greats like "Lost Boys" or "Queen of the Damned"...good classic vampire movies.  I give props to the True Blood series, although modern and incorporating vampires into our society by introducing a new synthetic blood to sustain them, they are still pretty much the traditional vampire.  The one that can only roam at night and needs to sleep in the earth or a coffin kind of thing.  So we have our traditional vampire with a modern twist.  :)
For me I think the main appeal of the vampire is the idea that they are damned for eternity, with this so-called "curse" that they have to live with,  yet they create their lives around them and give off the dangerous sexy vibe that us ladies love. They are so powerful, yet so vulnerable.  Once daylight arrives, it's all over and they must go into hiding and try to continue their conquest till the next day.  I love that the vampire over centuries barely evolves, they stay strong and luring and draw us in.  
I'm going to keep following the new vampire also, see how things go for them, but I have to stick with the oringal vampire as my true fantasy creature....

What is your take on the vampire craze?

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Living the dream?

I often wonder what it is that each person is living for.  I mean, do we live for ourselves or do we find ourselves living for others or how we believe we are supposed to be?  Some reason as I sit and watch people, or listen to people, it as if they live their lives by how they think someone else believes they should, that they are following rules that someone else has set in stone for them.  Do we ever question why we do the things we do or how we learned the things that we know?
I guess my main concern is that I am doing what everyone else expects of me instead of what I want for myself...if that makes any sense at all.  Do I think and feel the way I do because I want to feel that way or because someone taught me that I am supposed to feel a certain way in a certain scenario?  When I mess up, am I feeling bad because I fear others will look down upon me, or do I truly feel bad for making the mistake.  Seems I'm looking way further into this than I need to, but sometimes this is just how my mind works.  I want to know why I feel a certain way towards someone, or why somethings bother me and others don't.  I don't think it's asking too much but I think it will be a great journey to discover what I am searching.
I have a good job, make pretty good money, I have a car that is almost completely paid off, a really nice apartment to live in, yet I always feel something is lacking.  So how do I know if I am living "the dream"?  What is that everyone dreams or wants to achieve?  If I made more money would I be better...If I looked more like a beautiful movie star would I be better...if I gave up all suffering and wanting and lust would that make me a better person?  So many questions, no answers.  There has to be something more to life than work, money, possessions and status.  There has to be more that I am need of finding to be fulfilled and happy.
I've been reading a book about Buddhism and how if we learn to let go of suffering and turn it into compassion and understanding that we will have great inner peace.  There could be something behind that, if we learned to let go of the things that bring us misery and pain.  Why do we allow ourselves to have mental suffering, could this be the cause of the depression epidemic?  I believe in holistic remedies for everything and I'm willing to try them before any man made drug.  I believe that we can heal ourselves and become content with life if we allow ourselves to.  I want to live my dream, not the dream someone else thinks I should have, thus I will continue on my journey for what will ease my wants and calm my soul and hope that people will follow me on my journey and help me a long the way.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Eating for the right reasons?

We all know that there are millions of diets out there.  We know that the weight loss companies are making millions trying to show us ways to get healthy and lose weight.  What I have come realize in my weight loss journey is, if all these seem to work, why is our country so over weight?  Why are we becoming the fattest country in the nation and not the healthiest?  It's crazy, for some reason I find myself doubting all those books and magazines they sell in a whole section of the bookstore.  Does anyone else find this disturbing?  I read articles daily about health and fitness as I try to become a healthy, beautiful 30 year old on the search of a better life.  Yet I find myself puzzled and worried about what is really happening.
Let me explain a little more about my weight issues and background.  I have pretty much struggled with myself and my weight since junior high.  I didn't want to be the fat kid that was teased and made fun of.  My sister and mother were both built different than me and much thinner, so I always tried to compare myself to them.  In high school I had a friend that worried about her weight as much as I did, so what did we do, we would skip breakfast and lunch and at lunch walk the track at school to burn calories.  Then we would go home and just eat dinner with our families.  This was my smallest size clothes I've had since I reached my height.  I've been 5'9 since 6-7th grade.  I maintained a decent size throughout high school, but then of course college came and I began to explode.  I had moved to TX with my then boyfriend.  I worked full time (40-60 hours a week) and did the night school thing for 7 years until I finally obtained that bachelors degree.  During that time I gained about 50lbs.  My last semester of college I was able to drop a lot of it again and get down to a good 170lbs (pretty good weight for my height and build).  Then my marriage began to fail and I became depressed and found that I turned to food to make myself feel better.  
Now a new city and new life I am 10lbs lighter than my heaviest weight ever, I find myself trying to go back to basics.  I am 30 now and I need to learn treat my body right.  Instead of trying fad diets and pills, I am attempting to do things the right way.  What is the right way...well I think that depends on the person.  Every person is different so of course I believe every one has a different way that will work for them to get healthy and happy.  For me I am still trying to perfect the eating habits that will work best for me, but energy wise, I am finding a new love in yoga and walking.  Both I find are lowering my stress levels considerably and allowing me to feel better about myself in general.  
I know that this will be a slow process, and I know that I need to appreciate who I am every day regardless of what I look like, so feel free to keep up with me as I make this journey. 
Some things I do reccomend trying if you have time and want to feel good.  

  -this is the type of yoga I have been doing, it is not just for you body, it's for your mental health also.  All types of yoga are wonderful in my opinion, but so far this one has helped me the most mentally as well as physically.

  -want to read a little about my concerns about the weight loss industry and how it is effecting us, this guy nails it.  He points out ideas about going back to how our bodies originally needed food/fuel before we had food so conveniently.  He will make you think about your body and weight loss, as well as give you a new perspective to losing weight.

  -want something to motivate you to walk, yet do something good for others?  I am doing my second year as a 3day walker for breast cancer.  You walk 60 miles over 3 days and help raise money for the Susan G. Komen foundation.  It was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life and makes feel good about doing something for others as well as challenging myself.  Feel free to check out my page on the site also, search for chrimsonfyre.

We need to remember to live each day as if it is our last.  We need to love others and ourselves and look forward to a better life and health for the future....