Tuesday, April 27, 2010

New outlook on life...

So I've decided to change my outlook on some things and I am slowly working on those things one at a time.  I have a huge list of how I want to change my life, but yeah I know I can't acomplish them all over night.  Basically I am doing my own personal cleansing if you want to call it that.  I am working on a new emotional, mental, and physical changes of myself.  I am 30 now, I have three decades behind me and haven't acomplished all that I had hoped to by now, so it's time to kick up and get to where I want to be.  If it takes a year or two I am ok with that, I just want to stick to my "thirty, flirty, and fabulous" outlook on life.
1.   Change my emotional states.  I've always been told I'm an emotional woman.  I know I have become stronger as the years have gone by, but I know this can still use some work.  I make decisions and react to things with emotion instead of thinking things through and being rational, I know that sometimes the emotion in something takes over and I do something silly or embaressing or what not.  Yes I have passion for things, but that is different.  I am talking when something as simple as good critisim is taken the wrong way and I defend myself and act emotionally for no reason.  This is the kind of thing I want to learn to control.  I know it is ok to have emotion, but I need to know when to show it at the appropriate times.
2.  Mental changes. In this aspect I am trying to work on my insight on life.  I tend to have a negative outlook on things when I really shouldn't.  Whether it be hard on myself for how I look or what I weigh, or not nailing something fast enough at work, that kind of thing.  I tend to beat myself up for it.  I realize now this only brings me down and gets me no where.  Instead of dwelling on bad things, why not learn from a mistake or what not and focus on something positive for a change.  I am working on this through reading as well as my Dahn Yoga class, where they teach us about our minds as well as our bodies.  That we need to be happy with who we are and in return people around us will be happy...etc.  I find when I go to class, even in a bad mood, I come out in a great mood, so it's got to be working in some aspect.
3.  Physical changes.  My body isn't what it used to be, and it never will be that body I had when I was 17.  But I know I can make it healthy and strong again with dicipline and exercise.   I am lifting weights, doing my cardio and my yoga.  I want to feel good physically and mentally.  When your body is working the way it's supposed to, you will not feel sick or tired or like you are lacking when you eat normal, etc.  It's important to get my body in good shape now, because it only gets harder the older you get.  So far I find myself doing very well at this, I just  need to make it routine and stick with it as time goes on, and I know I will get in that sexy skirt and a nice blouse that hugs my curves again.

So those are my three new goals and how I am trying to achieve them.  I want to turn into someone that people can look up to again, mentally, emotionally or for advice on getting healthy.  I want to be that person that walks by and people go wow, she looks great, she is always smiling and carries herself with confidence.  I want my confidence back and I believe with some time and with the great people around me who are supporting me and helping me I will be there before I know it.... :)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Child Abuse Awareness

April is National Child Abuse Awareness Month. During the month of April, you should wear blue to show your support against child abuse. Child abuse is something that happens whether we want to believe it or not, it happens sometimes too close than we want to realize. Every day children are mistreated or hurt in some way and some children will die. This has become a very important topic to me in the last few years, as I watched a friend's son go through the worst type of child abuse, and being in the life of a child that was possible sexually abused at a young age. Now another friend, her daughter may have been abused in daycare also. This needs to stop and people need to be aware that it is happening.
There are many places where people can go to for help, they can check out these links:
These links can help people seek whom they need to report abuse to, or how to help prevent it.
Abuse comes in many forms, it's not always physical or sexual, mental abuse is also a very common type of abuse. All types can scar a child for life, and cause behavioral problems down the road. If you think there is any chance your child is being hurt, you need to seek help, even if it is just a hunch, you never know when it could end up saving your child's life. There is nothing wrong with being cautious.
A close member of my car club, his son was abused to the point that he left us and went to heaven in July 2009. he was only 3 years old. His story has touched so many that nationwide our club has a sticker on our cars to show we are looking for the people who did this to this child and that we are aware of what is going on. This blue ribbon is a symbol that we care and we will help in any way we can to help this grieving father find the people who did this. Justice will be served and I truly believe god will help this child see his justice.
The picture of the of the blue ribbon on our cars is in the top right corner of the blog. Below is a symbol for our car club that is fully against child abuse. You can also nationally find b.a.c.a which is Bikers against child abuse.

I want people to be aware of what is happening and that we all need to stand together and do what we can to bring awareness to the world that we will seek out the abusers and bring justice to these children. Remember that you can make a difference no matter how small and you need to report any type of abuse to the correct authorities. If we can catch it early, we can save a child's life and innocence before it's too late. Let's stand together to make sure what happened to this child does not happen to another.