Thursday, December 29, 2011

The end of 2011

Another year has passed us by, another year is gone.  It’s that time of year to sit back and reflect on the things we did in 2011.  Did we accomplish the goals that we wanted to, if not why?  Did we be the best we can be, if not why?  So many things can happen in a year, but I myself don’t necessarily remember all of them.

I think I made some wise choices in 2011.  I did not meet all my goals for the year, but I did meet some of them.  I was not able to reach my goal weight in 2011, but I am still well on my way to meet it in 2012.  I did not pay off my car, but I am very close and will have it paid off in early months of 2012.  I did however learn to be healthier, when it comes to eating and taking care of my body.  I did pay off a credit card.  I got engaged to a man whom worships me.   I started planning a wedding and honeymoon.  I got a raise at work.  We moved into a house from an apartment.  All these things are goods to reflect on of 2011.

I do not want to reflect on the bad of this last year.  They say we deal with the bad and should move on.  I do not want to relive some moments for they are not something I can change or take back, but something to move on from and be stronger because of them.  I want to be a better and stronger person every year.  I want to grow and expand in ways that people tend not to think about.  It’s about focusing on me and what will make me the person I want to be.  2012 will bring new opportunities and happy days that I look forward to, and I know I will be stronger on those days than I was in this last year.
My hope for my friends and family is that they can look back on 2011 and say they accomplished something, no matter how small it was.  It’s always important to find the good through the bad times.  I have goals to set for 2012, or what some people call resolutions, but I prefer to call them goals because they are something I can do at any time and do not need to wait for the New Year to begin.  So to anyone that reads this, I wish you an amazing end of the year and many hopes for the new year ahead!