Friday, October 29, 2010

Just the way you are

Women today have very low self esteem problems and we are constantly judging ourselves.  There is a movement out there to try and change our outlook and perspective of ourselves.  Operation Beautiful is a website and movement started by Caitlin Boyle where is trying to teach people to love themselves for whom they are.  Her website has been very inspirational to me and I have been known to leave messages in random places to spread the word.  I highly recommend checking out her website and seeing what the hype is all about.

To add to the way we think, I think this song by Bruno Mars, "Just the Way You Are" fits in just perfect with what Caitlin is trying to portray.  Here are the lyrics to the song, read and enjoy, don't be afraid to leave comments.....

Just the Way you Are by Bruno Mars

Oh her eyes, her eyes;
Make the stars look like they're not shining.
Her hair, her hair;
Falls perfectly without her trying.

She's so beautiful;
And I tell her every day.

Yeah; I know, I know,
When I compliment her
She won't believe me.
And it's so, it's so
Sad to think that she don't see what I see.

But every time she asks me "do I look okay?",
I say:

When I see your face,
There's not a thing that I would change.
Cause you're amazing,
Just the way you are.
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for a while.
'Cause girl you're amazing,
Just the way you are.

Yeah, Her lips, her lips;
I could kiss them all day if she'd let me.
Her laugh, her laugh;
She hates but I think it's so sexy.
She's so beautiful,
And I tell her every day.

Oh you know, you know, you know
I'd never ask you to change.
If perfect's what you're searching for
Then just stay the same.

So, don't even bother asking
If you look okay;
You know I say:

When I see your face,
There's not a thing that I would change.
'Cause you're amazing,
Just the way you are.
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for a while.
Cause girl you're amazing,
Just the way you are.

The way you are.
The way you are.
Girl you're amazing,
Just the way you are.

When I see your face,
There's not a thing that I would change.
'Cause you're amazing,
Just the way you are.
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for a while.
'Cause girl you're amazing,
Just the way you are.


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Some 5 year goals

We all have ideas of what we want and where we want to be in the future.  But what happens when the future is now in the present and you haven’t done all the things you’ve wanted or achieved all your goals?  Do you set new goals or keep those goals and set a new date?  Why do we set goals and yet don’t achieve them in the first place, isn’t the point to reach those goals no matter what the cost? I guess I would have had a lot more to show for myself at 30, but nope, I’m still just me, living each day one day at a time, still don’t have those things I really want, but still hoping to get them.

I think I reached some of my goals, goals like my college degree, a good job, nice car, etc.  But I’m still lacking in more personal places of my life.  I am lacking in personal health, but man I’m working on that!  I have not yet had the chance to become a mother, which is something I want really badly!  I know you can’t rush things like that, but I am already 30, I mean how long should I have to wait?  I really would like to get my Master’s degree, but I need to put some decrease in my student loans first.  I don’t want to pile more debt on myself when I’m trying to get out of it. 

I think I just really need to figure out what goals are most important to me right now, this minute and work on some kind of game plan to figure them out.  I need to stop procrastinating and stop putting off things to make others happy all the time.  Maybe, just maybe I should try to make it a little about me for a change.  I know, that sounds so strange coming from my mouth, but I’m tired of putting my wants, needs and desires on the back burner.  I’m going to try and start focusing some time and energy into becoming someone much better than I am today.

So thinking about it now, these are the goals I want to accomplish, let’s say in the next 5 years:
               Get Healthy – I’m doing pretty well with this one so far, but it can always have room for improvement.  I am eating better and a whole lot less, and I try to figure in exercise some way or another every day.  This isn’t about dieting, but about a lifestyle change and making me feel young and beautiful again.  I’m taking steps to become an organic eater, take no medications and try to do things the natural way.  I have cut out all medications I was taking, even the advair.  I’ve had a few rough days, but nothing I could fight through so far.   That’s just the beginning, by summer time I plan to knock em’ dead at the beach!
               Decide on a Master’s degree of finish out my 2nd bachelors degree in Marine Biology-Marine Biology has always been my love and something I wanted to do.  Unfortunately moving to Texas ruined that for me, there were no programs for it and who wants to be in Galveston Bay anyway?  I ended up getting my bachelors in Computer Information systems and I do pretty well working in that field so far, but I don’t know that it is my true calling.  I want to find my career path that puts me where I want to be emotionally and financially.
                Find my dream city – I want to find a city where I love the area and the people and everything around me.  I want to find a place to start planting some roots.  I want to own my own home again, have it fixed up just the way I want it and it be in an area I would mind living for awhile.  If there is one thing I’ve learned about myself, I bore easily and love change and moving!    It’s like I can’t be in one place too long or I get stir crazy.   I like Dallas, but maybe it’s area I live in that is boring me, I do not know, but I’m starting to get that I’m ready to move somewhere else feeling again.
                                Become a mother- Yes I know, this one isn’t something you can do on your own.  Well technically these days that isn’t true, but where is the fun in making a child with artificial insemination?  Isn’t part of becoming a mother the fun of conceiving the child?  LOL…just thought I’d throw that out there.  Anyway, I just need someone to volunteer to be the job, I’d prefer to be in a relationship with someone to have a child, but I’d be totally OK doing it on my own also.   I just have this feeling like I’m supposed to be a mother and I want to be one, so why am I not one?  Also, people saying oh you need be married first.  I’ve already done the marriage thing, maybe I’ll do it again someday, but why do you need be married to be a parent?  Isn’t it just harder on a kid when they are around to watch the parents’ divorce if it was to happen?  Just some food for thought.