Friday, December 3, 2010

Goals, do we set them to achieve them, or do we constantly fail?

Today I am in a somber mood, not really down, but not really in a great high either.  I'm just me and I'm just here getting through the day.  I sometimes sit and just ponder about things like I am now, I am sitting her wondering if I constantly set goals and never achieve them or if I actually set them to help keep me motivated.  I guess I feel like I have not been reaching any of my goals for awhile now.

I guess I should look at it first, what is a goal?  Why do we set goals to begin with?  A goal is simply something we want to accomplish, usually within a specific time frame.  It is something we are striving for, pushing ourselves to get to and then sometimes there is a reward in the end.  I guess I wonder why we set these so-called goals, but constantly not reach them.  Is it something we just cannot achieve, or is it because we lack will and motivation to keep shooting towards this goal?  Should we even look at these little successes as goal achievements or something we knew we could just do anyway?  So why do we need goals?  Are they really that important if we set them and don't achieve them?  I am searching for the real purpose of what makes goals important in our lives and what we can do to achieve them more.

 I sit her and ponder, why am I here, am I at a point in my life that I am happy with the choices I've made and have I done some of my life goals to get where I am.  Or am I stuck and need to get a move on to figure out why I am here and what am I doing wrong that I am where I am in life.  Am I at a point in my life that I can truly say I have achieved a lot and I know I can accomplish more.....

So let's say I am not where I want to be, how do I figure out where and what I am lacking to be content right where I am?  I am 30 years old, I am not married, I have no children.  I do almost completely own a car, I have a very good job and a college degree.  I have made mistakes in the past I've learned from and have not repeated.   Yet there are goals I've set that I have not achieved yet and that were on my to-do list by the age of 30.  I had wanted to be a mother to at least one child by now...nope didn't accomplish that.  I wanted to have a masters degree, but nope haven't even started that.  A more recent goal...drop all this excess weight in last 5 years needs to go, but I've gained and lost the same 8-10 pounds for last year.  So am I purposely sabotaging this weight loss goal and why?

I guess I might be thinking into this too much, but sometimes we need to write it down to evaluate it and figure out what exactly is going on.  I am trying to find my ground, a place in life where I am content and peaceful.  I have not found that ground yet, but I think if I keep exploring new things and continue on a path of getting healthy that I could find this place in the near future.  As for these goals I've failed at, do I need them, should I keep them?  I don't know the answer to that, but maybe for now I will keep them and try harder at trying to achieve them.  If I find I consistently fail, well maybe...just maybe goals is something I do not need to get ahead and where I want to be....


  1. "just maybe goals is something I do not need to get ahead and where I want to be...."

    isn't "getting where I want to be" the definition of "goal"?

    maybe the answer is to let go of "where u want to be" and just be... where your life takes you then might just surprise you

  2. Also, maybe you're setting your goals too high. Try lowering your expectations, and take it one step at a time. Perhaps you'll feel more accomplished that way.

  3. I think there is no goal that is totally unachievable. But, sometimes the steps are too far apart to achieve at a reasonable pace. I usually set my final goals (which often change as I move toward them) and I also set goals that I can achieve in a day or a week. For example: I needed to repaint the body kit on my scion. That was a huge task that I put off for about a year. Then, I set up small goals.

    - Next week I'll get the paint
    - Tomorrow I'll buy the sand paper
    - This weekend I'll take the body kit off the car.... and so on, till it was totally done. (I also found myself on a roll with getting it done once I got started)

    I'm not sure if this helps you with your goals. But, it is something that really helps me not procrastinate, because I know the small steps I can do right now!

    Hope it helps!
