Monday, December 27, 2010

2010 coming to end...2011 new beginnings!

There are only five days left in 2010, five more days to sit and ponder the things I accomplished this year, and the things I did not.  I am usually the type of person who does not set new year resolutions (goals), but for 2011 I have a different outlook than I believe I had for 2010.

This past year had ups and downs for me, as I'm sure it had for many others.  I had a few goals that I met, things like reducing debt, reducing stress and beginning to change my health lifestyle.  These may not seem like large things to the average person, but for me these were minor victories.  I was able to reduce my debt by 20%.  I was able to reduce my stress by at least 50% with a new job and income increase and alternatives other than medicine.  I am proud of these small obstacles and hope to keep continuing on them.

Friends were a challenge this past year.  I learned a lot about people whom I thought were my friends, and those who truly are.  I strengthened relationships with friends whom at this point in my life I believe to be true, and I am slowly removing the others from my life.  I've learned that not everyone is going to like me and I am not always going to want to pretend to like everyone else.  I've come to that point in my life where people that matter the most are going to be the priority in my life.  I understand that pushing the "bad eggs" out so to speak can cause people to say bad things about me or criticize me, but honestly I really do not care what people think of me any more.  Yes, I want to be accepted and liked, but in the end it won't matter.  I have learned that a few really good friends is better than a lot of acquaintances.  I plan to continue to grow in this area and make a difference in the lives of those who do matter.

So hear it goes, my 2011 new years resolutions.  These are some goals I have for the 2011 year.
1.  Drop the rest of the weight I have gained and get in the best shape of my life.
2.  Try to get my healthy lifestyle to be 85% organic and good for my body.
3.  Make exercise a daily routine and enjoy it for it's health benefits and stress relief.
4.  Do something to give back to others/society, whether it be community service or some other non-selfish act.
5.  Continue to reduce my debt.
6.  Make my bonds with good friends stronger and continue to grow our  friendship on many levels.
7.  Travel out of the state of Texas at least twice.

I think these are good goals to begin with and that they are all achievable if I work hard and continue what I am doing.  I know there are other things on my lists of "to-dos" but these seven are what I really want to concentrate on.  So my journey to continue being healthy and a better person will continue into 2011 and hopefully I can learn from others as well as teach others the many things I learn on the way.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Goals, do we set them to achieve them, or do we constantly fail?

Today I am in a somber mood, not really down, but not really in a great high either.  I'm just me and I'm just here getting through the day.  I sometimes sit and just ponder about things like I am now, I am sitting her wondering if I constantly set goals and never achieve them or if I actually set them to help keep me motivated.  I guess I feel like I have not been reaching any of my goals for awhile now.

I guess I should look at it first, what is a goal?  Why do we set goals to begin with?  A goal is simply something we want to accomplish, usually within a specific time frame.  It is something we are striving for, pushing ourselves to get to and then sometimes there is a reward in the end.  I guess I wonder why we set these so-called goals, but constantly not reach them.  Is it something we just cannot achieve, or is it because we lack will and motivation to keep shooting towards this goal?  Should we even look at these little successes as goal achievements or something we knew we could just do anyway?  So why do we need goals?  Are they really that important if we set them and don't achieve them?  I am searching for the real purpose of what makes goals important in our lives and what we can do to achieve them more.

 I sit her and ponder, why am I here, am I at a point in my life that I am happy with the choices I've made and have I done some of my life goals to get where I am.  Or am I stuck and need to get a move on to figure out why I am here and what am I doing wrong that I am where I am in life.  Am I at a point in my life that I can truly say I have achieved a lot and I know I can accomplish more.....

So let's say I am not where I want to be, how do I figure out where and what I am lacking to be content right where I am?  I am 30 years old, I am not married, I have no children.  I do almost completely own a car, I have a very good job and a college degree.  I have made mistakes in the past I've learned from and have not repeated.   Yet there are goals I've set that I have not achieved yet and that were on my to-do list by the age of 30.  I had wanted to be a mother to at least one child by now...nope didn't accomplish that.  I wanted to have a masters degree, but nope haven't even started that.  A more recent goal...drop all this excess weight in last 5 years needs to go, but I've gained and lost the same 8-10 pounds for last year.  So am I purposely sabotaging this weight loss goal and why?

I guess I might be thinking into this too much, but sometimes we need to write it down to evaluate it and figure out what exactly is going on.  I am trying to find my ground, a place in life where I am content and peaceful.  I have not found that ground yet, but I think if I keep exploring new things and continue on a path of getting healthy that I could find this place in the near future.  As for these goals I've failed at, do I need them, should I keep them?  I don't know the answer to that, but maybe for now I will keep them and try harder at trying to achieve them.  If I find I consistently fail, well maybe...just maybe goals is something I do not need to get ahead and where I want to be....

Monday, November 15, 2010

Breast Cancer 3-day 2010

Breast Cancer 3-day 2010 - Dallas, TX.  What another year with more amazing memories and experiences.  Yes I tortured myself as my friends tell me to walk 60 miles over 3 days for a cause such as breast cancer.  I enjoyed the experience so much last year, I came back and did it again.  I trained like for months before hand, walking to improve my stamina and strength, I joined some other teams in the area for training walks, etc.  Yet in the end this time, I am injured and still hurting over a week later.  Am I upset that I am hurt or regretting the walk though....not at all.

Day 1 - Friday November 5th, 2010

The first day of the 3day began very early.  I woke from my warm bed and only about four and half hours of sleep at 4:20am.  I took a quick shower and wrapped my feet, got all my gear together and ready.  I woke Stephen around 5am so that he would have few minutes to wake up before driving me to the other side of town to begin my walk.  This year opening ceramonies were held at Collin Creek Mall in Plano, TX.  I arrived around 6am, hugged Stephen and Skylar good bye and got my gear loaded onto the correct truck (H-94).  I walked around for a bit to warm up and bought myself a 2010 pin from the tent.  My team, Team Pink-it-up had not arrived yet.  There were only 3 of us on a team this year.  
It was pretty cold Friday morning, they said it was only in the 40s, which would explain why I could not get my legs to warm up.    My team arrived around 6:15am and we took some pictures at the opening ceremonies sign, etc.  We had to wait till around 7:30 or so before they would round us all up for community stretching and opening speeches.  I just remember how eager I was to start walking and how cold I was.  I was wearing nothing but my 3/4 length workout pants and a t shirt with a sweatshirt over the top.  Definately starting this year colder than the year before. 
So the morning ceremonies begin, we all huddle into the holding area and stretch.  The flags come out one by one, I begin to cry.  It doesn't matter how hard you try to hold back, the tears just come.  It's an emotional time and it's going to be an emotional trip for the next three days, so I didn't see anything wrong with showing a little bit of emotion.   Finally the walk begins, and we wait to file out of our big holding area into one big line of people to walk all over the city of Dallas.  It takes about 10-15 minutes before Tammi, Stacy and I begin our walk.  People cheering us on and walking quickly in the beginning to warm our muscles up, we start our journey.  It takes me about 20 minutes before my muscles become warm enough to know I'm ready to find my pace.  My pace is a bit slower than Tammi or Stacy, I don't know if naturally it is slower or I just don't train/exercise as much as them, but I kept up with them for 80% of the entire first day.  I don't mind walking alone though, I meet awesome new people and enjoy the scenery as I walk. 
Day 1 I walk the entire 22.4 miles that my GPS tracker told me I walked.  I was a little stiff, and had one small blister trying to form, but nothing major.  I stretch really well in the stretching areas at camp that night, stretching legs and back for about 20 minutes, it felt great!  I bought myself a 3-day sweatshirt and new pair of inserts for my shoes at the tents.  I noticed my shoes weren't in as great as shape as last year this time around so I think the $50 investment on the inserts really helped me the last 2 days this year.  The dinner was pretty good, it was chicken and salad and rolls, etc.  I did not eat the dessert as I was full.  Man by the time I finished dinner and headed to shower, the temperatures dropped a lot.  After I showered and bundled up the best I could with what I had, the temps had already dropped to 39 degrees.  I stayed in the food tent and enjoyed the karaoke and little bit of warmth from outside.  When I finally headed off to bed, I knew it was going to be a rough night for me. 
During the night the temps they say dropped to the low 30s.  I would believe that, because even sleeping in sweatshirt, pants, socks, hat, etc inside a sleeping bag with a Mylar blanket over it, I felt like I could not get warm.  I had my own tent this year, I guess person I was supposed to tent with did not walk.  So no extra body heat in the tent and on the cold ground I slept very little Friday night.  I woke twice during night to have to pee and shivered the whole way to the porta potties and back.  Come morning I was eager for some hot chocolate and warmth....

Day 2 - November 6th, 2010

Day two begins very cold.  There is frost on the ground outside our tents, I am bundled up and still cold, standing near heaters by the showers to get a little warmth.   Even the food tent didn't offer the warmth I so seeked this morning.  Breakfast was eggs and sausage and oatmeal, etc.  I really enjoyed the hot oatmeal, it was only thing that seemed to warm my insides.  I never did find my team in the morning so decided to walk the day alone, again something I don't mind.  I did begin my walk why a Mylar blanked folded up wrapped around my kidney's because I could not get them warm, I felt like my back was freezing!  So I leave our camp and begin walking in the cold with many others.  It takes about two hours before I stuff the noisy blanket into my fanny pack because I'm finally warm enough.  I'm a little stiff and sore, but I notice a huge difference with my shoe inserts!  Totally awesome, thank you New Balance!

I end up taking one sweep van during day 2, I take the sweep to lunch.  At lunch I have them tape up some blisters that are forming on my feet, before they get too bad.  So unfortunately I lost about 2 miles of my walk on day 2.  I do walk the rest of the day which I am very proud of though.   At one point past the cheering station and before pitstop 4, I run into my team for a little while.  They look super cute in their matching hats, etc.  I do not match them though because I didn't let them know soon enough that I was for sure walking.  Both their husbands (Frisco fire department men) are awesome also, cheering them on and me when they say me the whole day.  It's awesome to see that kind of support for people as they walk.  They are also awesome because they set up our tents and took them down for us, this was really nice to me, since I did not expect that at all.
At pitstop 4 I rest for just a bit and stretch really well again because I am getting sore.  I have them double check my tape ups and blisters so they can get me moving again.   The last 6 or so miles for the day went really well for me.  It was like I had a second burst of energy after pitstop 4 and I was able to finish off the day walking and arrive at camp again right around 5pm.  I enjoyed a steak dinner Saturday night at camp and some great music and dance party.  I was a bit too sore to dance with everyone, but I got up and tried to dance a little bit.  I stretched and relaxed that evening, knowing I had to get up and walk the last day with as much strength as possible.  Saturday night was not nearly as cold thank goodness, but the hot shower after dinner felt so amazing that I didn't want to get out....

To make sure I stayed warm, I wore my next day clothes underneath my hello kitty footy jammies Saturday night, I know I looked silly but man I stayed much warmer this time around for sure, I think I actually got 4-5 hours sleep this time, so I woke up a bit stiff in morning but much more refreshed than the day before.  

Day 3  - Sunday, November 7, 2010
I wake up, wash my face and brush my teeth and get ready.  It is around 5:30am.  I pack my things and get it all put on the trucks.  I go to take down my tent, can't find any of the stuff to pack it in, I call Tammi (they already no where to be found), she lets me know her husband and Stacy hubby have the stuff and will be taking my tent down for me, awww how sweet.  So I grab my walking stuff and head to get something to eat.  I enjoy my oatmeal with my eggs and bacon while sitting with some girls with some awesome pink hair.  They looked like they were from a Dr. Seuss book :)

I try to stretch a bit, but man I am really feeling some shin splints today.   So I get my things together and I head to jump on the bus that will take us to pit stop 1 where we begin our walk.  I am on the 2nd bus out, so only one bus behind the rest of my team.  Our bus driver first missed the turn into the pit stop so he had to try and make a u-turn with that big vehicle, that was fun.  Then turning into the pit stop area, he almost takes out a telephone pole.  I suppose it was kind of early to try and haul a bunch of people in pink into such a tight area to park. Either way he finally made it in and we all got off the nice warm bus.  I fill my bottles with water and Gatorade and begin my walk.  I am definitely slower today.
Even after a few miles and after an amazing cheering station, my shins are just still hurting.  I end up grabbing a sweep van to pit stop 3, where I can barely get out of the van on my own.  By taking the sweep I guess I caught up to my team I later found out, but they went ahead and continued on without me.  I probably would have slowed them down anyway.  :(  At this pit stop I stretch a lot and do what I can to make myself comfortable.  I had my shins taped up really well and my right ankle.  I took a couple of ibuprofen and then continued on my way.  I probably stayed at this pit stop for about 15-20 minutes, but I wanted to make sure I could keep going without injuring myself.  I begin walking again, and after a few minutes, the taped up shins really began to help.  I walk the entire rest of the day with very little pain.  For about 3 miles right before lunch I walk with a gentleman who appears to be walking alone because he too is injured and lost his team.  He is very pleasant to talk to and we make each other laugh and smile all the way to lunch urging each other on and giving each other pep talks.  At lunch he finds his group and I go walk to go sign the pink fire engine and get pictures.

Lunch was sandwiches again, but that is ok because they were really good like all 3 days.  I take my potty break and fill my bottles and am ready to keep walking.  Only 5 miles or so left for the day!  I walk up the huge hill through the park we had lunch in, watch some homeless guy in the park get arrested for harassing the walkers and begin my journey through downtown Dallas.  I get some awesome pictures of the W hotel and the area where JFK was shot, etc.  I begin conversation with an older lady who seems to be the same pace as me.  We talk about why we are doing the walk and how proud we are of each other, etc.  I walk with her until our final pit stop before the end of our journey.  At the final pit stop I check into a med tent and have a very nice young lady working there help me stretch really well.  She helps me stretch my back and legs and such, since I was having hard time getting my legs up on my own any longer.  The stretch was amazing, when I stood up it was as if the pain went away.  It was time to walk the last 2.5 miles to the finish line!  

Surprisingly, those last miles went very quickly.  I don't know if I had a second wind and was walking faster or what it was, but it seemed to fly by.  Before I knew it, there was Fair park and people cheering just feet in front of me.  I feel tears sting my eyes and the excitement arise in me.  I did it, I finished all 3 days with only 2 sweep vans.  I had taken 4 the previous year and was red-flagged for dehydration the previous year.  So not only did I beat my walking from 2009, I kept myself hydrated and healthy for this trip...I was so proud of myself.  I never did find my team again so I celebrated on my own with myself.  I walked down that victory lane with people cheering me on to get my shirt.  I put my shirt on and joined the victory cheering areas and helped cheer everyone else as they came in also.  There were a few times I got emotional and had some tears leave my eyes, but I was too excited about cheering everyone else in as they finished.  I crossed the finish line around 2:35pm, the final walker crossed just after 4pm.  What an amazing day!

During closing ceremonies a sweet woman and her team of 9, saw I was standing alone, and asked if I would like to finish their 2nd line of 5 for our victory walk to closing ceremonies.  I smiled, of course I did.  She she hugs me and hooks my arm and I walk in with her and her amazing team who are all smiling and happy and welcoming of me.  I walk in and we are invited by the the closing words of the amazing people who put on the event, we shed tears for our amazing survivors who walked with us, have some beautiful music sang to us by the famous Candy Coburn.  

The evening ends with me finding Stephen and Skylar who have already collected my gear from the pick up area and some soft fluzzy slippers.  I'm slow moving and a bit sore but don't think anything of it because I'm ready to tell them all about my adventure....

 The day following the 3day weekend was very rough.  Even with hot shower and stretching, my sciatic nerve became aggravated with my tense muscles and it became very difficult to move without wanting to cry with pain.  I went to doctor about it, he says there isn't really anything I could have done to prevent it, it just happens some times.  So I've been on muscle relaxers, steroids and pain meds for a week, and the pain still exists.  I also found out the reason the shin splints and ankle hurt so much, I tore the ligaments in my right ankle sometime during my walk and they will take 4-6 weeks to heal.  No I am not a big fan of pain and injuries, but even with the recovery time it's going to take me this year, would I do the walk a third time...hell yes.  Will I walk in 2011, possibly not, unless I am able to get an amazing team together, but I will definitely make this journey again in the years to come.   If anyone ever wants to experience a "journey of a lifetime" and help make a difference in the fight for breast cancer, they should visit:

For all pictures I took during my walk, please visit:
Breast Cancer 3day photos

Friday, October 29, 2010

Just the way you are

Women today have very low self esteem problems and we are constantly judging ourselves.  There is a movement out there to try and change our outlook and perspective of ourselves.  Operation Beautiful is a website and movement started by Caitlin Boyle where is trying to teach people to love themselves for whom they are.  Her website has been very inspirational to me and I have been known to leave messages in random places to spread the word.  I highly recommend checking out her website and seeing what the hype is all about.

To add to the way we think, I think this song by Bruno Mars, "Just the Way You Are" fits in just perfect with what Caitlin is trying to portray.  Here are the lyrics to the song, read and enjoy, don't be afraid to leave comments.....

Just the Way you Are by Bruno Mars

Oh her eyes, her eyes;
Make the stars look like they're not shining.
Her hair, her hair;
Falls perfectly without her trying.

She's so beautiful;
And I tell her every day.

Yeah; I know, I know,
When I compliment her
She won't believe me.
And it's so, it's so
Sad to think that she don't see what I see.

But every time she asks me "do I look okay?",
I say:

When I see your face,
There's not a thing that I would change.
Cause you're amazing,
Just the way you are.
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for a while.
'Cause girl you're amazing,
Just the way you are.

Yeah, Her lips, her lips;
I could kiss them all day if she'd let me.
Her laugh, her laugh;
She hates but I think it's so sexy.
She's so beautiful,
And I tell her every day.

Oh you know, you know, you know
I'd never ask you to change.
If perfect's what you're searching for
Then just stay the same.

So, don't even bother asking
If you look okay;
You know I say:

When I see your face,
There's not a thing that I would change.
'Cause you're amazing,
Just the way you are.
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for a while.
Cause girl you're amazing,
Just the way you are.

The way you are.
The way you are.
Girl you're amazing,
Just the way you are.

When I see your face,
There's not a thing that I would change.
'Cause you're amazing,
Just the way you are.
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for a while.
'Cause girl you're amazing,
Just the way you are.


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Some 5 year goals

We all have ideas of what we want and where we want to be in the future.  But what happens when the future is now in the present and you haven’t done all the things you’ve wanted or achieved all your goals?  Do you set new goals or keep those goals and set a new date?  Why do we set goals and yet don’t achieve them in the first place, isn’t the point to reach those goals no matter what the cost? I guess I would have had a lot more to show for myself at 30, but nope, I’m still just me, living each day one day at a time, still don’t have those things I really want, but still hoping to get them.

I think I reached some of my goals, goals like my college degree, a good job, nice car, etc.  But I’m still lacking in more personal places of my life.  I am lacking in personal health, but man I’m working on that!  I have not yet had the chance to become a mother, which is something I want really badly!  I know you can’t rush things like that, but I am already 30, I mean how long should I have to wait?  I really would like to get my Master’s degree, but I need to put some decrease in my student loans first.  I don’t want to pile more debt on myself when I’m trying to get out of it. 

I think I just really need to figure out what goals are most important to me right now, this minute and work on some kind of game plan to figure them out.  I need to stop procrastinating and stop putting off things to make others happy all the time.  Maybe, just maybe I should try to make it a little about me for a change.  I know, that sounds so strange coming from my mouth, but I’m tired of putting my wants, needs and desires on the back burner.  I’m going to try and start focusing some time and energy into becoming someone much better than I am today.

So thinking about it now, these are the goals I want to accomplish, let’s say in the next 5 years:
               Get Healthy – I’m doing pretty well with this one so far, but it can always have room for improvement.  I am eating better and a whole lot less, and I try to figure in exercise some way or another every day.  This isn’t about dieting, but about a lifestyle change and making me feel young and beautiful again.  I’m taking steps to become an organic eater, take no medications and try to do things the natural way.  I have cut out all medications I was taking, even the advair.  I’ve had a few rough days, but nothing I could fight through so far.   That’s just the beginning, by summer time I plan to knock em’ dead at the beach!
               Decide on a Master’s degree of finish out my 2nd bachelors degree in Marine Biology-Marine Biology has always been my love and something I wanted to do.  Unfortunately moving to Texas ruined that for me, there were no programs for it and who wants to be in Galveston Bay anyway?  I ended up getting my bachelors in Computer Information systems and I do pretty well working in that field so far, but I don’t know that it is my true calling.  I want to find my career path that puts me where I want to be emotionally and financially.
                Find my dream city – I want to find a city where I love the area and the people and everything around me.  I want to find a place to start planting some roots.  I want to own my own home again, have it fixed up just the way I want it and it be in an area I would mind living for awhile.  If there is one thing I’ve learned about myself, I bore easily and love change and moving!    It’s like I can’t be in one place too long or I get stir crazy.   I like Dallas, but maybe it’s area I live in that is boring me, I do not know, but I’m starting to get that I’m ready to move somewhere else feeling again.
                                Become a mother- Yes I know, this one isn’t something you can do on your own.  Well technically these days that isn’t true, but where is the fun in making a child with artificial insemination?  Isn’t part of becoming a mother the fun of conceiving the child?  LOL…just thought I’d throw that out there.  Anyway, I just need someone to volunteer to be the job, I’d prefer to be in a relationship with someone to have a child, but I’d be totally OK doing it on my own also.   I just have this feeling like I’m supposed to be a mother and I want to be one, so why am I not one?  Also, people saying oh you need be married first.  I’ve already done the marriage thing, maybe I’ll do it again someday, but why do you need be married to be a parent?  Isn’t it just harder on a kid when they are around to watch the parents’ divorce if it was to happen?  Just some food for thought.

Friday, September 17, 2010


As most of you know, I've become one of those people who is very interested in living my life organically and naturally without all the chemicals we find today in almost everything around us.  Something I have become interested in lately and are thinking about trying is the use of aromatherapy.
What is aromatherapy, well it's the practice of using volatile plant oils for psychological and physical well being.  Aparently certain smells when inhaled cause a response your brain to make you feel a certain way.  I looked up some of the types of oils I might be interested in trying.

To reduce anxiety the following oils are used (in different recepies)
Clary Sage
Roman Chamomile

To bring confidence:
Bay Laurel

To fight off feelings of stress:
Clary Sage
Roman Chamomile
Ylang Ylang

A recipe I might try first is this one:
Multiply your blend by 4 to obtain a total of 20 drops of your chosen blend. Add your oils to a dark colored glass bottle and mix well by rollling the bottle in between your hands. Add the appropriate number of drops from your created blend to your diffuser by following the manufacturer’s instructions.  

If interested in finding out about the healing powers of aromatherapy please visit some of the links below:

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Finding inner peace?

I often wonder what it means to be me.  I guess what I mean by that is why am I here, what is my purpose in this lifetime.  Am I meant to be something amazing and glamorous or am I supposed to be just the average Joe Blow who goes through life just hanging on as much as they can, nothing really to show for it?  What makes a person rich, is it money or is it other things in life?  Yeah we could all use a million bucks in our life, but buying things we could never really afford before, is that what is going to make a person happy?  I think it goes past the monetary value of something, past the possessions one has. 

First and foremost, I think for someone to truly be happy, they must be content and happy with themselves.  No one can be happy only if they have "things" or "people" in their life.  If you can't be happy alone, how can you ever be truly happy with another human being?   I have silly things like this go through my mind all the time.  Wondering, pondering the meaning of everything.  Not sure how many other people think like I do, but man it drives me bonkers sometimes.  I feel like I"m crazy or something.  I just want to find that perfect harmony that makes me completely content with everything around me.

I've started by getting content with my body.  I am taking care of it and nurturing it back into the state it should be in.  I give her enough water to stay hydrated, I am fueling her with more fruits and veggies, allowing the digestive track to work properly.  I'm slowly working up my exercise routine so that I get in optimal health again, no problems with my body fat or my cholesterol or even my stomach.  It's about getting me to a point that I feel amazing without having to take medications to feel OK.  Once I become comfortable with my health and my body, that will be a major step in the things I want to accomplish. 

Next, work on complete contentment with my mind and soul.  Now this is a bit more tricky.  How does one fight their own mind you's been a long process to get even where I am today.  Learning from everything I do, not always judging everything based on the past.  Forgiving myself for mistakes and learning to be stronger and move on in life with less guilt and things holding me back.  Am I completely there, hell no, but I think I've made major progress over the recent years and I plan to continue working on it as I go.

My Natal Charts

Got the idea to run my natal report from Jenn (  Curiosity got me so here are my results:

Christina Owen Sex F
Prescott, AZ 4 United States 04/20/1980 02:42 - Julian day 2444349.90
Adjust 7.00 ST 16.07 Lat 34.32 Long 112.28

Planet Positions, Ascendant, & Houses

The following table shows the position of the planets in your chart, by sign and degree. On the right, you will find the sign of your Ascendant and the signs on the cusp of each house in your natal chart. The Roman Numerals refer to the houses, where the Ascendant is also the first house and the Midheaven is also the tenth house. For example, if the sign Taurus is next to Mars, you know your Mars is in Taurus. If the sign Libra is next to Venus, you know your Venus is in Libra. If Cancer is next to Ascendant, you have a Cancer Ascendant, and if Leo is next to II, Leo is on your 2nd house.

Zodiac in degrees 0.00 Placidus Orb:0
SunTaurus 0.28 AscendantAquarius18.21
MoonCancer10.13 IIAries 2.16
MercuryAries 8.42 IIITaurus 7.16
VenusGemini15.19 IVGemini 3.41
MarsLeo26.59 VGemini26.17
JupiterVirgo 0.18 R VICancer19.22
SaturnVirgo21.03 R VIILeo18.21
UranusScorpio24.31 R VIIILibra 2.16
NeptuneSagittarius22.30 R IXScorpio 7.16
PlutoLibra20.08 R MidheavenSagittarius 3.41
LilithLibra 1.48 XISagittarius26.17
Asc nodeLeo27.18 XIICapricorn19.22



The following table shows the planetary aspects in your natal chart. Short interpretations are found below.

SunTrineMars 3.28 91
SunTrineJupiter 0.10 103
SunTrineNeptune 7.58 0
MoonSquareMercury 1.31-190
MercuryTrineMidheaven 5.01 30
VenusSquareSaturn 5.43 -5
VenusOppositionNeptune 7.10 -37
VenusTrinePluto 4.48 32
VenusTrineAscendant 3.02 44
MarsConjunctionJupiter 3.18 206
MarsSquareUranus 2.29 -53
MarsTrineNeptune 4.30 35
MarsOppositionAscendant 8.39 -5
JupiterSquareUranus 5.47 -2
JupiterTrineNeptune 7.49 1
JupiterSquareMidheaven 3.22 -15
SaturnSextileUranus 3.28 19
SaturnSquareNeptune 1.27 -46
UranusConjunctionMidheaven 9.10 10
NeptuneSextilePluto 2.22 25
PlutoTrineAscendant 1.47 8
  604 -353 251


Asteroids & Chiron

The following table shows the positions of the four major asteroids and Chiron. These points are not as commonly used by astrologers, but are presented here for those interested in knowing where the asteroids are positioned in their birth chart.
PallasAries 3.55
VestaGemini 7.51
FortuneAries 0.00
South nodeAries 0.00
Natal Chart Report

Birth Chart

This birth chart report shows the positions of the planets for Christina Owen .

The Sun represents vitality, a sense of individuality and outward-shining creative energy.

Sun in Taurus

There is something very solid about Taurus natives, no matter what the rest of their charts say about them. Though they are dependable most of the time, this generally shows itself more in habit than in outright helpfulness.

Taurus natives are sensual folk--and this includes sex, but extends to pleasures in all areas: they delight in the sensual pleasures of food, a comfortable blanket, a richly colored aquarium to look at, the smell of flowers or spring rain, pleasing melodies coming from their stereos, and so forth. Some might even say they live through their senses more than most.

When Taurus natives work, they work hard. They do it with a steadiness that may rarely be considered quick--rather it's a dependable, plodding, and steady effort that has its payoffs. Security is immensely important to Taurus--some of them actively seek wealth, while others are content to be "comfortable". The Taurus definition of "comfortable" may not be exactly the same as the rest of the signs, but comfort is definitely a driving force.

Although hard-working, their fixed and comfort-loving nature sometimes makes them appear lazy. This is only because they separate work and leisure so well. When they work, they work hard, and when they play, they don't really "play" as such...they relax. A Solar Taurus who has kicked his or her feet up is rooted there--you'd be hard-pressed to get them to move. On a mental level, you'll likely have the same problem. Taureans stick with things and ideas, and therein lies one of the reasons why they are known for their stubbornness. Taurus is a fixed sign, and they have a fair measure of tradition and steadiness in their make-up that keeps them rooted.

The possessiveness associated with Taurus shows up in all areas of life in some way. Taurus likes to own things (and sometimes people). A nice home, a piece of land (this can be modest), a paid-off car, that aquarium mentioned earlier, a couple pets, maybe a solid business...In love and relationship, there is an earthy kind of possessiveness that may be considered jealousy by some, but there is actually quite a difference between being possessive and being jealous. Taurus natives are rarely jealous and petty. They do, however, think of the people they love as theirs--it adds to their sense of security.

Short description:

She is strong-willed. She has charm, and is tolerant and stoical. She likes pleasure and the good things in life. Appreciates the Arts.

Weaknesses: obstinacy, laziness. She can be materialistic.

Taurus ascendant Aquarius

Sun in II

You take pride in what you own, and have a strong drive for security. You have staying power, and you hate to let others down once you've made a promise. Avoid over-identifying with what you have. Concentrate on proving your worth through your strong value system and your incredible ability to stick with things and with people. Take pride in the solid and secure foundations that you build, as well as the lasting relationships you aim to maintain, while being careful to avoid possessiveness. You seek a safe and secure job, you satisfy your needs, which are substantial. You may be given to spending money impulsively.

91 Trine Sun - Mars

You are enterprising and have powerful stores of energy that you can draw upon when needed. You respond to problems or challenges with a spirited and enthusiastic confidence that is admirable. You are naturally competitive, and this trait is generally well-received by others simply because it is unforced, unaffected, and sincere. You truly believe in fair play, and you seem to be in love with life. When you are expressing competitiveness and courage, it's easy for others to smile and accept these traits as positive ones rather than being rubbed the wrong way. You have good physical vitality. Although competitive, you are not naturally combative. You may enjoy sports or games that are competitive, but not violent. Breaking the rules of a competitive game is particularly upsetting to you. You are more able than most to control your desires, aggressions, and instincts. You know how to be fair, and you expect others to be fair. As such, sneaky behaviors, uncontrolled impulses, violence, and rage are offensive to you.

103 Trine Sun - Jupiter

Endowed with generosity and friendliness, in some ways you appear to be lucky in life. You attract good things with a positive frame of mind and a charitable disposition. Rarely entirely "down and out", you are usually well-received, helpful, and well-informed. You may enjoy travel and have a special affection for foreign places and people. You're generally not very competitive, and for the most part not combative either. As a result, you are usually well-liked. You are usually good-hearted, possessing strong morals and much faith in life and in people. You prefer to find the good in situations and in people. You don't have a lot of patience with those who break the rules, as you generally believe in order, equality, and the law. You usually make good on your promises, and the sincerity you exude can be trusted. Looking on the bright side is your forte--people can turn to you for a pleasing dose of faith and optimism. You are quick to chuckle and can't resist any appeal to your sense of humor. Some people with this aspect are downright jolly. Others are less conspicuous, but their faith in life and willingness to find humor in life are nevertheless obvious.

0 Trine Sun - Neptune

There is an unmistakably dreamy, inspired, and sensitive side to you. A marked appreciation for music and the arts is present. The connection of Neptune with the Sun, which represents the ego and the will, certainly softens some of the hard edges that might be found elsewhere in the chart, adding a sensitive and spiritual dimension to your personality. You are naturally compassionate. It is so completely natural for you to accept that there is more to the world than what is before your eyes, that you tend to presume everyone must be spiritually-inclined. Of course, you come to realize that this is not the case at some early point in your life. Your attraction to spirituality and metaphysical subjects is usually marked. These aspects favor writers, artists, and musicians. You are sensitive to those who are suffering, although you are not usually taken advantage of. You are humanitarian and may have a special connection with animals. If other aspects and positions in the chart support it, you are not one to dominate others or assert yourself to the point of brashness. You have a fertile imagination, are full of inspiration, and very emotional - all qualities that you may use on the professional level.

The Moon represents the emotional responses, unconscious pre-destination, and the self-image.

Moon in Cancer

This is the most subjective position of the Moon. The Moon is "at home" in the sign of Cancer, as the Moon is the natural ruler of the sign. Moon in Cancer natives have a large potential to be able to get in touch with the feelings and moods of others. Often, they are quite wrapped up in themselves. Their memories of the past are outstanding, especially for all things emotional. Moon in Cancer people are never detached--they cling to things, their home, and people they care for. They seek out security and familiarity in all they do. They look for peace and quiet. Their attachment to all that is safe means they are a little leery of change. These peace-loving souls dislike superficiality in all of its forms. They are devoted and accommodating. The insecure ones accumulate things in an attempt to feel secure.

Because of their strong attachment to, and memory of, the past, others may complain that Moon in Cancer natives tend to whip a dead horse. They may dwell on hurts long after everyone else has moved on. When they feel they have been taken for granted (which may be often!), they don't always confront others directly. This is when they can use roundabout ways to get your attention. In fact, these natives, when they are insecure, can become quite manipulative. They can also be victims of habit. These people can have a hard time compartmentalizing their lives, simply because their watery Moon tends to know no boundaries. Sometimes, as a result, they may act irrationally.

One of the most delightful characteristics of Moon in Cancer people is their loony sense of humor. These people can be extraordinarily funny. Their moodiness can baffle others, but their unique outlook on life is something most people can appreciate. When treated with tenderness and understanding, Moon in Cancer natives return the favor with warmth and protection. Give them security, and you'll take the crabbiness out of the Crab, at least for awhile. These people are wonderfully dependable overall, despite their occasional mood swings. Make a friend of Moon in Cancer, and you will be taken care of for life.

Short description:

She is likeable and sociable. Very sensitive to environmental conditions and surroundings. She likes home, habits, comfort and her little world. Very caring and protective of loved ones.

Weaknesses: subject to indolence, inertia. She is impressionable and too sensitive. Family problems.

Moon in V

She likes pleasures, distractions of all sorts. Emotional life is rich. She loves children, and will have a lot. She will be self-taught.

You love to share emotional experiences with loved ones and have a flair for the dramatic. Love affairs are magnetic and intense, and you don't take them lightly by any means, although you may go through much change with regard to your romances. You are attached to children, whether they're your own or not. Your creative hobbies are subject to relatively frequent changes, and you have innate artistic talent. You have a vivid imagination and are given to daydreaming often. There is a sense that you are always in touch, or trying to get in touch, with your inner child. If the Moon is challenged, you may have problems with impulsive shopping or gambling, or with frequent love affairs that never fully satisfy you. In any of these cases, you are more attached to the game than the player, and this is something to work on if you are looking to find true fulfillment. You might take risks just for the fun of it, but in the process, you are being irresponsible to others and to yourself.

-190 Square Moon - Mercury

There is a conflict here between the head and the heart. Your emotions tell you one thing and your mind tells you something else. The result is a see-saw effect: you can be emotional to the point of irrationality at one moment, and logical the next. How to blend the head and the heart is a constant struggle for you, usually because you have a tendency to resist blending them! You love to chat, enjoy story-telling and writing/poetry, sometimes enjoy bending the truth, and you possess a sparkling wit! You are animated when you speak, and have a sense of humor that others appreciate simply because it's very imaginative. You may be especially adept at satire. People can usually read your mood by how much you're talking. When nervous or excitable, you talk up a storm. Moodiness is a characteristic, definitely, and an especially subjective nature makes you prone to hypersensitivity. It usually has to do with the fact that you take in so very much from your environment. This is also one of the reasons why you tend to be indecisive. You may swing between irrational and rational thoughts and feelings. It's pretty much something that takes place "upstairs" in the mind, although others are sure to see the struggle from time to time. You are always interesting, and usually funny. You have a tendency to misrepresent yourself with what you say from time to time, but you're a charming, if a little kooky, friend.

Mercury represents communication, Cartesian and logical spirit.

Mercury in Aries

She makes quick decisions, streamlines learning, is direct and straightforward in speech, possesses an innocent charm, and can easily motivate others with her enthusiasm. Loves a heated dispute. Lively mind which quickly understands a given situation. She is very resourceful and capable. Prefers to jump into a decision and doesn't have much patience with pretense.

Mercury in II

Intelligence geared towards ways of making money, becoming rich. All methods are good, sometimes she is on the borderline of honesty.

You have a very practical mind and intelligence, seeing the obvious, most logical answer to any predicament often before others. You don't like to be put on the spot or pushed into talking or coming to a conclusion. Studies are similar--you need to work at your own steady pace. You can be quite one-track minded at times, not very happy with multi-tasking, and often quite fixed in your opinions. Sensual stimuli is more relevant to you than abstract concepts.

30 Trine Mercury - Midheaven

She likes to have her own ideas about things, to form an opinion and think over the problems it poses. She is an intellectual.

Venus represents an interest for emotions and values, exchange and sharing with others.

Venus in Gemini

Venus in Gemini people will try to win over the object of their affection with witty conversation, displaying just how much they "know", and demonstrating their diverse interests. These lovers are playful -- some might even call them a tease. They are hard to pin down, and they resist relationships that promise to become too "comfortable". Even those with their Sun in Taurus or Cancer, whose outward demeanor may suggest some reserve and caution, will want their relationships to be stimulating and full of conversation with Venus in Gemini. Venus in Gemini men and women don't want to be tied or bogged down in their relationships. They appreciate lightheartedness in love. Although they are willing to talk (perhaps endlessly) about the relationship, you may get the feeling that they gloss over some of the deeper issues. In love, their tastes change often, and it can be hard to know what to expect from one day to the next (or, sometimes, from one hour to the next!).

Pleasing Venus in Gemini involves supporting their need for fun and variety, showing interest in their brainpower and knowledge, and giving them space for friends and activities outside of the relationship. Let them know just how much fun you have with them. Try not to get overly miffed by Venus in Gemini's changeable, fickle ways. Remember that time spent with your lover will be exciting and invigorating.

Venus in IV

She is lucky enough to have many happy occasions all through life. Strong friendships which can affect the emotional life. She usually makes a good marriage. Happy family life. Good work situation.

You seek balance, beauty, harmony, and peace in your home and domestic life. You might be especially attracted to luxury or quality/comfort items in the home, and you likely have an eye for interior decorating. There is a loving, personal touch to the way you decorate your home. Your love is decidedly sentimental, and you show your affection through nurturing and displays of sympathy. You don't give your heart out easily, but when you do, you do it with great emotion. It's very easy for you to become attached to a partner, and possibly smothering or overly dependent if you are not careful. Your parents' marriage affects your own partnering skills and style more than most. A parent may be especially charming, beautiful, or otherwise Venusian. On the negative side, this parent may have been especially indulgent or overprotective with you.

-5 Square Venus - Saturn

This aspect sometimes means unhealthy sensuality. She is hard, and does not know how to express her emotions. She is frightened of showing her love, and this leads to disappointments, break-ups, lack of satisfaction. It is likely that she had problems with her mother, who did not know how to love her or give her self-confidence. She doubts, is suspicious and jealous. She will learn how to be happy in love, to be at ease with herself and to control her jealousy in the second half of her life, thanks to an older person, who gives her self-confidence back to her, so she can then trust others.

-37 Opposition Venus - Neptune

She might lack self-confidence and her ideals are not easy to achieve. In love, she is unstable and deceitful or meets people who are like this. She is easy-going and follows others' wishes in love, and she lets the partner take the initiative.

This aspect indicates a suggestible romantic nature. Being "in love with love" is a strong possibility. You are naturally compassionate and are generally willing to go over the top for a loved one. It's hard to say whether your expectations in personal relationships are too high or too low. On the one hand, you tend to easily accept behaviors in your partners that others wouldn't accept, as you are compassionate and even drawn to people who others might consider trouble. On the other hand, your romantic dreams may be so powerful that you are easily disappointed with the reality of relationships. Deception in love is possible, but self-deception is even more likely. In love, you see what you want to see, rather than what is. Feelings of being used or deceived may come up. However, if a distinct pattern exists in your love life that involves you being let down, deceived or used, it will be especially worthwhile to examine whether self-deception was at work.

The possibility of clinging to romantic delusions is very high with this position. For example, some with these aspects cling to a romantic notion that someone loves them when in reality that person doesn't return the affection. Or, they may cling to a romance that has lost all hope. Another possibility is devoting their love to someone who is unattainable or who is unable to commit. Yet another Venus-Neptune scenario is loving someone who treats them badly, all the while clinging to an idealized image of the partner. No matter what the scenario, romantic yearning and longing, as well as delusion, tends to be the theme. The expectation here is that loving someone requires self-sacrifice. The result is an attraction to relationships that are co-dependent and even abusive. Venus-Neptune people are drawn to victim/savior relationships, and they can play either the role of victim or savior! Dependency or neediness in a partner can be confused for love. In an attempt to love unconditionally, you may too readily sacrifice your own needs and eventually feel used.

32 Trine Venus - Pluto

Her emotional and sex life is powerful and rich. She lives out truly passionate love affairs.

44 Trine Venus - Ascendant

She likes everything beautiful, the Arts, balance and harmony. She is amiable and sociable. She likes entertainment and has a loving nature.

Mars represents the desire for action and physical energy.

Mars in Leo

This is one of the more sexual positions of Mars. While they are rather easy to arouse, their passion is long-standing. Mars in Leo natives enjoy sex more than most, as long as heavy doses of love and romance are part of the package. In partnership, they demand loyalty and admiration. Impatient with small-mindedness and disloyalty, Mars in Leo natives generally have a strong idealistic streak. They easily get fired up when they feel they've been humiliated, and they defend their high principles with ardor. Mars in Leo natives act with their heart. Their ego is tied up with their actions, so that most anything they do becomes a source of great pride. Though some are self-righteous and quarrelsome, the more sophisticated people with this position are kindly leaders.

Mars in VII

She dominates her associates, colleagues. She is the same in love life, dominating the spouse and this makes for a stormy relationship in prospect.

206 Conjunction Mars - Jupiter

She has a good sense of organization, she is jovial, frank and sincere. She is full of dynamism and over-abundant energy. She loves life and takes all it has to offer. She likes sports and the outdoor life. She is successful professionally and emotionally. She usually has lots of children.

She is honest and forthright in her dealings with others, and she tends to trust others readily. She can be a bit careless about spending money, however, and this is probably because she is so eternally optimistic that there will always be plenty around. The possibility of failure does not enter her mind, although success itself is not that important to her.

-53 Square Mars - Uranus

She is full of contradictions. She is original, tending to the eccentric, violent, headstrong, impatient and irascible. She fights to the bitter end to overcome hurdles, and has the strength to overcome them.

35 Trine Mars - Neptune

Her feelings are dominated by wisdom and geared towards the ideal. She likes water, sea voyages. She likes odd people.

-5 Opposition Mars - Ascendant

She is quarrelsome, critical and violent. Her success is obtained by dubious means.

Jupiter represents expansion and grace.

Jupiter in Virgo

She attracts the most good fortune when she is helpful, honest, orderly, and pays attention to details. The service industries, nutrition, and health are prosperous avenues. Practical and technical knowledge and skills are most valued. A real problem solver and others appreciate her help. Doesn't always feel lucky or especially ambitious. Rather, hard work is valued.

Jupiter in VII

She makes a good marriage, with a useful partner who helps to bring success if only by his advice. She never goes outside the bounds of legality.

-2 Square Jupiter - Uranus

She is too independent and her liberty is all-important. She lacks diplomacy, and her extravagance is shocking. She likes verbal battles and espouses extremist ideas in order to shock her companions. She has a number of internal tensions.

1 Trine Jupiter - Neptune

She is very generous and altruistic, helping people in difficulty or sick people. She knows how to listen or, at least, how to give that impression. She is a dreamer, with lots of imagination: she likes the Arts.

-15 Square Jupiter - Midheaven

She aims big and is often disappointed with small advancements or successes, wishing they were bigger and better. She may bring every conversation around to herself, which is a tendency that should be kept in check. She has highs and lows in her professional life.

Saturn represents contraction and effort.

Saturn in Virgo

She likes order, harmony, method and balance. She can undertake long-term medical or scientific studies.

Weaknesses: she is intransigent, stubborn. Misuse of medicines, or asking for too much medicine.

Saturn in VII

She takes one-to-one relationships very seriously - so seriously that she may never marry or marry late. Relationships, marriage may not be fruitful or may be felt to be burdens if Saturn is afflicted. A strong sense of responsibility towards partner. Partner may be serious, mature, or restrictive. She marries fairly late but her feelings are sincere and stable. She is persevering, methodical and persistent, which brings professional success.

19 Sextile Saturn - Uranus

She knows how to be on top of the situation. She perseveres, is determined but ingenious and original. She is very practical. She proceeds slowly, but is always bound to achieve her objectives in the end.

-46 Square Saturn - Neptune

Living conditions are difficult for Uranus represents individual liberty, egoistic liberty.

Uranus in Scorpio

Intelligent and subtle. Adores research, inquiry, investigation. Very sensual.

Uranus in IX

Interested in humanity. She is highly intellectual. She travels a lot. Her mind is always alert, even when sleeping, during which time she often resolves the problems of the previous day.

10 Conjunction Uranus - Midheaven

She must have a job that allows her complete freedom, something non-routine. She likes change, has a lot of energy and knows how to influence others in spite of her originality.

Neptune represents transcendental liberty, non-egoistic liberty.

Neptune in Sagittarius

Likes long voyages, things foreign, water.

Neptune in X

She is a very idealistic person, and wants to see her ideals, hopes, and dreams made concrete and real in the everyday world. She is driven to put ideals into action.She has great ambition, which sometimes obsesses her. She always wants to check work already done, she is terrified of being less than perfect.

25 Sextile Neptune - Pluto

Pluto represents transformations, mutations and elimination.

Pluto in Libra

Looks for new ways to relate to others.

8 Trine Pluto - Ascendant

She has will-power and ambition, and likes to have her own way.

House I is the area of self identity. The ascendant is a symbol of how one acts in life. It is the image of the personality as seen by others, and the attitude that one has towards life.

Taurus ascendant Aquarius

Ascendant in Aquarius

How unique and original Aquarius rising natives come across! These individuals are just that -- individuals, and they won't let you forget that fact. Often turned to for advice, these natives possess intellectual poise and savvy. They often are curious, and quite learned, in both science and metaphysics--anything that involves advancement of the human race holds much appeal. It's hard to shock an Aquarius rising. They've seen it all, or at least want you to think they have. In fact, they often enjoy shocking others. Not that they are flamboyant by nature, but they do like to, albeit quietly, get a rise out of others. Some natives born with Aquarius on their Ascendant can be quietly provocative and irreverent. Most people with this Ascendant are quite friendly and likable. Their personality quirks generally go over quite well with others. They generally give others quite a bit of freedom--accepting, as a rule, people from all walks of life as equals. And, their somewhat cool and detached curiosity about all that goes on around them appeals to most.

Curiously, Aquarius rising people can be a little standoffish while also coming across as humanitarian and kind. Often labeled as independent and original children, Aquarius rising natives often feel a little "different" or "special" throughout life. They often feel like they are on the outside looking in, and their ability to observe and deduce is often uncanny. They're also adept at getting things to work, even when the parts that make up the whole seem like a puzzle with unusual pieces--especially when it comes to groups of people. This sets them apart as managers and team leaders. The Ascendant often reveals physical mannerisms and even choice of dress, as it shows how people present themselves to the world. With Aquarius here, natives sometimes have a quirkiness to their manner, and some dress in a slightly offbeat manner--not enough to make them stand out like a sore thumb, but just enough to express their original temperament.

Because these people seem so open to new ideas, it may be surprising when you encounter their decidedly stubborn streak. Aquarius is a fixed sign, after all. The ascendant sign shows how individuals react to new situations, and with Aquarius rising, there can be a resistance to change that seems to belie the native's generally progressive nature. There's a distinct inflexibility with Aquarian rising people, and, sometimes, a tendency to want to force their opinions on others. With their eye to the future of mankind as a whole, some people born with an Aquarius Ascendant overlook the more personal needs of the people closest to them. They are often attracted to partners who possess self-confidence and ardor.

House II is the area of material security and values. It rules money and personal finances, sense of self-worth and basic values, personal possessions.

House II in Aries

Financial success is more likely when she uses her entrepreneurial spirit. However, impulsive spending is likely. Won't ask for money, wants to be self-made. Doesn't receive much financial help.

House III is the area of social and intellectual learning.

House III in Taurus

One is never better than when at home. Not much travelling or taking of a sudden or unexamined initiative. When travel occurs, it is to comfortable and familiar areas. Everything is calculated and deliberate: the motto is "slowly but surely".

House IV is the area of home, family, roots, and deep emotions/sense of self-worth.

House IV in Gemini

Impossible to stay in one place, frequently changes home. If the job is monotonous, she will often change firm. The ideal profession would be one offering a lot of change, moving around, meeting lots of new people. An equally erratic love life is to be expected.

House V is the area of creative self-expression, romance, entertainment, children, and gambling.

House V in Gemini

Likes to please: She can spend hours in the bathroom, preparing to go out, in the hope of meeting someone to dazzle. Likes interminable discussions with friends.

House VI is the area of learning by material transaction.

House VI in Cancer

Likes jobs in contact with the public. Weak point: the stomach.

House VII is the area of one-to-one relationships such as marriage and partnership, and of social and intellectual action.

House VII in Leo

Marriage for love, based on confidence, honesty, sincerity.

House VIII is the area of emotional security and of security of the soul.

House VIII in Libra

Happy old age, natural death.

House IX is the area of learning that shapes the identity.

House IX in Scorpio

Likes long voyages, especially by sea. Might participate in regattas, likes risk, sport.

House X is the area of material action. The Mid-heaven represents the work one will do in his life, the place one will take in the world of society. It becomes more important as one grows older

House X in Sagittarius

Job involving travel, especially abroad, and if possible with some risk attached. One of the professions.

House XI is the area of search for social and intellectual security.

House XI in Sagittarius

Loves above all travel, adventure and friends are often from abroad.

House XII is the area of education and of emotion.

House XII in Capricorn

Disappointments are difficult to digest, the bitterness can last a long time before she is able to react positively.

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